
come, coming; return, returning


來 lái
  • to come
  • to arrive
  • to come round
  • ever since
  • next


來 stroke order diagram


歷不明 lái lì bù míng of unknown origin
港 lái gǎng to come to Hong Kong
源 lái yuán source (of information etc); origin
源於 lái yuán yú to originate in
潮 lái cháo (of water) to rise; rising tide; (of women) to get one's period
火 lái huǒ to get angry
火兒 lái huǒ r to get angry
無影,去無蹤 lái wú yǐng , qù wú zōng lit. come without a shadow, leave without a footprint (idiom); to come and go without a trace
犯 lái fàn to invade one's territory
生 lái shēng next life
由 lái yóu reason; cause
看 lái kàn to come and see; to see a topic from a certain point of view
硬的 lái yìng de to get tough; to use force
示 lái shì (polite) your letter
神 lái shén to become spirited
福槍 lái fú qiāng rifle (loanword); also written 來復槍|来复枪
福線 lái fú xiàn rifling (helical grooves inside the barrel of a gun)
義 lái yì Laiyi township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
義鄉 lái yì xiāng Laii township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
者不善,善者不 lái zhě bù shàn , shàn zhě bù lái He who comes is surely ill-intentioned, no-one well-meaning will come (idiom).; Be careful not to trust foreigners.; Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!
者不拒 lái zhě bù jù to refuse nobody (idiom); all comers welcome
而不往非禮也 lái ér bù wǎng fēi lǐ yě not to reciprocate is against etiquette (classical); to respond in kind
臨 lái lín to approach; to come closer
自 lái zì to come from (a place); From: (in email header)
臺 lái tái to visit Taiwan (esp. from PRC)