
come, coming; return, returning


來 lái
  • to come
  • to arrive
  • to come round
  • ever since
  • next


來 stroke order diagram


mǎ lái Malaya; Malaysia
亞 mǎ lái yà Malaya
人 mǎ lái rén Malay person or people
半島 mǎ lái bàn dǎo Malay Peninsula (possibly including Indonesia until 1945)
文 mǎ lái wén Malaysian language
西亞 mǎ lái xī yà Malaysia
西亞人 mǎ lái xī yà rén Malaysian person or people
西亞語 mǎ lái xī yà yǔ Malaysian (language)
語 mǎ lái yǔ Malaysian language
鴴 mǎ lái héng (bird species of China) Malaysian plover (Charadrius peronii)
馬尾穿豆腐,提不起 mǎ wěi chuān dòu fu , tí bu qǐ lai lit. like tofu strung on horsetail, you can't lift it; fig. let's not talk of this (pun on 提[ti2])
說 lái shuō to say; speaking of
bù lái not come; not come to
信手拈 xìn shǒu nián lái to pick up effortlessly; to name or quote something readily, without much conscious effort
跑過 pǎo guò lái run over; to run towards a certain place or person
空下 kōng xià lái to free up time; to have time available
空下 kòng xià lái to free up (time); to have time available
qǐ lái get up; rise
學 lái xué come to learn; come for learning
求 lái qiú to come and seek
學功 lái xué gōng come to learn skills or practices; come for learning certain practices or techniques
迷中 mí zhōng lái come in confusion; be lost in delusion
zhōng lái come into; enter into
漲起 zhǎng qǐ lái to rise (water level); to swell up
冒出 mào chū lái to emerge; to sprout out