
come, coming; return, returning


來 lái
  • to come
  • to arrive
  • to come round
  • ever since
  • next


來 stroke order diagram


yī lái firstly, ...
二去 yī lái èr qù gradually; little by little; in the course of time
一直以 yī zhí yǐ lái in the past always; for a long time now; until now
一般說 yī bān lái shuō generally speaking
一般講 yī bān lái jiǎng generally speaking
一般說 yī bān shuō lái generally speaking; in general
一覺醒 yī jiào xǐng lái to wake up from a sleep
一路 yī lù lái all the way; all along; since the start
shàng lái to come up; to approach; (verb complement indicating success)
下不 xià bù lái awkward; embarrassed; cannot be accomplished
下不臺 xià bù lái tái to be put on the spot; to find oneself in an awkward situation
xià lai to come down; (completed action marker); (after verb of motion, indicates motion down and towards us, also fig.); (indicates continuation from the past towards us); to be harvested (of crops); to be over (of a period of time); to go among the masses (said of leaders)
梅 bù lái méi Bremen (city)
梅港 bù lái méi gǎng Bremerhaven, German port
不請自 bù qǐng zì lái to turn up without being invited; unsolicited
luàn lái to act recklessly; to mess around
èr lái secondly, ...
瘋 rén lái fēng to get hyped up in front of an audience; (of children) to play up in front of guests
什麼風把你吹的 shén me fēng bǎ nǐ chuī lái de What brings you here? (idiom)
仙客 xiān kè lái cyclamen (loanword)
yǐ lái since (a previous event)
M lái m (coll.) (of women) to get one's period
不及 lái bu jí there's not enough time (to do sth); it's too late (to do sth)
不得 lái bu dé cannot allow (to be present); cannot admit
信 lái xìn incoming letter; send a letter here
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