Buddha; of Buddhism; merciful person; Buddhist image; the dead (Jap.)

HSK 5 #771


佛 fú
  • seemingly
  • (female) head ornament
  • variant of 彿|佛[fu2]
佛 fó
  • Buddha
  • Buddhism


佛 stroke order diagram
佛 stroke order animation


得角 fó dé jiǎo Cape Verde
bài fó to worship Buddha
huó fó Living Buddha; title of Mongolian Lamas from 17th century
学 fó xué Buddhist doctrine; Buddhist studies
法 fó fǎ Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha); Buddhist doctrine
利山 bǐ fó lì shān Beverly Hills
寺 fó sì Buddhist temple
xìn fó to believe in Buddhism
门 fó mén Buddhism
爷 lǎo fó yé title of respect for the queen mother or the emperor's father; nickname for Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4]
家 fó jiā Buddhism; Buddhist
爷 fó ye Buddha (term of respect for Sakyamuni 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼[Shi4 jia1 mou2 ni2]); His Holiness (refers to a Buddhist grandee); Buddha; God; emperor; in late Qing court, refers exclusively to Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4]
龛 fó kān niche for statue (esp. Buddhist, Christian etc)
弥勒 mí lè fó Maitreya; the Bodhisattva that will be the next to come after Shakyamuni Buddha
龙 xuě fó lóng Chevron (oil company)
不看僧面看面 bù kàn sēng miàn kàn fó miàn lit. not for the monk's sake but for the Buddha's sake (idiom); fig. (to do sth for sb) out of deference to sb else
不空成就 bù kōng chéng jiù fó Amoghasiddhi Buddha
人间教 rén jiān fó jiào Humanistic Buddhism
人間教 rén jiān fó jiào Humanistic Buddhism
光 fó guāng Buddha's teachings; aura (around the head of Buddha)
典 fó diǎn Buddhist scriptures; Buddhist classics
卡夏 fó kǎ xià focaccia (loanword)
口蛇心 fó kǒu shé xīn words of a Buddha, heart of a snake (idiom); two-faced; malicious and duplicitous
吉尼亞 fú jí ní yà Virginia, US state
坪 fó píng Foping County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi