jiā qié

transcription of sanskrit 'gha' in buddhist texts ('samgha', etc.); (nursing; attending; entertainer) (Jap.); temple; in Chinese this character is not used alone



伽 jiā
  • traditionally used as phonetic for ga
  • also pr. [ga1]
  • also pr. [qie2]


伽 stroke order diagram
伽 stroke order animation


馬射線 gā mǎ shè xiàn gamma rays
马辐射 jiā mǎ fú shè gamma radiation
馬輻射 jiā mǎ fú shè gamma radiation
sēng qié (Buddhism) sangha; the monastic community; monk
奥米 ào mǐ gā omega (Greek letter Ωω)
奧米 ào mǐ gā omega (Greek letter Ωω)
摩睺罗 mó hóu luó jiā Mahoraga, snake's headed Indian deity; a protector deity of Buddhist law
摩睺羅 mó hóu luó jiā Mahoraga, snake's headed Indian deity; a protector deity of Buddhist law
欧米 ōu mǐ gā omega (Greek letter Ωω)
歐米 ōu mǐ gā omega (Greek letter Ωω)
yú jiā yoga (loanword)
宗 yú jiā zōng see 唯識宗|唯识宗[Wei2 shi2 zong1]
行派 yú jiā xíng pài see 唯識宗|唯识宗[Wei2 shi2 zong1]
丘 bó jiā qiū Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), Italian writer, poet, and humanist, author of Decameron 十日談|十日谈[Shi2 ri4 Tan2]
阿伏德罗 ā fú jiā dé luó Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856), Italian scientist
阿伏德羅 ā fú jiā dé luó Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856), Italian scientist
阿伏德罗常数 ā fú jiā dé luó cháng shù Avogadro's number (chemistry)
阿伏德羅常數 ā fú jiā dé luó cháng shù Avogadro's number (chemistry)