
extend, stretch out, open up; trust

HSK 5 #1161


  • extend, stretch out, open up
  • trust
  • to stretch
  • to extend


伸 stroke order diagram
伸 stroke order animation


缩性 shēn suō xìng flexibility
縮性 shēn suō xìng flexibility
長 shēn cháng to stretch; to extend
开 shēn kāi to stretch out
開 shēn kāi to stretch out
雪 shēn xuě variant of 申雪[shen1 xue3]
大丈夫能屈能 dà zhàng fu néng qū néng shēn A leader can submit or can stand tall as required.; ready to give and take; flexible
lā shēn to draw; to stretch
强度 lā shēn qiáng dù tensile strength
強度 lā shēn qiáng dù tensile strength
有仇不报非君子,有冤不枉为人 yǒu chóu bù bào fēi jūn zǐ , yǒu yuān bù shēn wǎng wéi rén one who doesn't avenge an injustice is not a gentleman, one who doesn't redress a wrong is not a man (idiom)
有仇不報非君子,有冤不枉為人 yǒu chóu bù bào fēi jūn zǐ , yǒu yuān bù shēn wǎng wéi rén one who doesn't avenge an injustice is not a gentleman, one who doesn't redress a wrong is not a man (idiom)
能屈 néng shēn néng qū can bow and submit, or can stand tall (idiom, from Book of Changes); ready to give and take; flexible
yǎn shēn to give rise (to); to spawn; to spread (to)