
summon; propagate, transmit

HSK 4 #332


传 chuán
  • to pass on
  • to spread
  • to transmit
  • to infect
  • to transfer
  • to circulate
  • to conduct (electricity)
传 zhuàn
  • biography
  • historical narrative
  • commentaries
  • relay station


传 stroke order diagram
传 stroke order animation


zì zhuàn autobiography
教士 chuán jiào shì missionary
染病 chuán rǎn bìng infectious disease; contagious disease; pestilence
yáo chuán rumor
话 chuán huà to pass on a story; to communicate a message
媒 chuán méi media
言归正 yán guī zhèng zhuàn to return to the topic (idiom); to get back to the main point
开 chuán kāi (of news) to spread; to get around
呼 chuán hū to notify sb of a call; to call sb to the phone
教 chuán jiào to preach; missionary; to evangelize
册 xuān chuán cè commercial brochure; advertising pamphlet; flyer
真机 chuán zhēn jī fax machine
遍 chuán biàn to spread widely
染性 chuán rǎn xìng infectious; epidemic
学 yí chuán xué genetics
wài chuán to tell others (a secret); to divulge to an outsider; to be rumored
wài zhuàn unofficial biography (as opposed to official dynastic biography)
道 chuán dào to lecture on doctrine; to expound the wisdom of ancient sages; to preach; a sermon
回 chuán huí to send back
家宝 chuán jiā bǎo family heirloom
承 chuán chéng to pass on (to future generations); passed on (from former times); a continued tradition; an inheritance
呼机 chuán hū jī pager; beeper
送带 chuán sòng dài conveyor belt; transmission belt
导 chuán dǎo to conduct (heat, electricity etc)
代代相 dài dài xiāng chuán passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down