crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal

HSK 6 #1389


伏 fú
  • surname Fu
  • to lean over
  • to fall (go down)
  • to hide (in ambush)
  • to conceal oneself
  • to lie low
  • hottest days of summer
  • to submit
  • to concede defeat
  • to overcome
  • to subdue
  • volt


伏 stroke order diagram
伏 stroke order animation


zhōng fú last ten days of July and first ten days of August, the second of 三伏 sān fú, three hottest periods of the year
qǐ fú tribe of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people
èr fú same as 中伏[zhong1 fu2], last ten days of July and first ten days of August, the second of 三伏[san1 fu2], three hottest periods of the year
侍 fú shi variant of 服侍[fu2 shi5]
地 fú dì to lie prostrate
地挺身 fú dì tǐng shēn pushup (exercise)
地魔 fú dì mó Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter)
安 fú ān volt-ampere (measure of apparent power in alternating current circuits)
惟 fú wéi to lie prostrate; to prostrate oneself (in veneration)
擊 fú jī ambush; to ambush
明霞 fú míng xiá Fu Mingxia (1978-), Chinese diving champion
案 fú àn to bend over one's desk (writing, studying, taking a nap etc)
汛 fú xùn summer flood
流 fú liú hidden stream; ground stream
尔加格勒 fú ěr jiā gé lè Volgograd, Russian city on the Volga River 伏爾加河|伏尔加河[Fu2 er3 jia1 He2]
爾加格勒 fú ěr jiā gé lè Volgograd, Russian city on the Volga River 伏爾加河|伏尔加河[Fu2 er3 jia1 He2]
尔加河 fú ěr jiā hé Volga River
爾加河 fú ěr jiā hé Volga River
爾泰 fú ěr tài Voltaire (1694-1778), Enlightenment philosopher
牛山 fú niú shān Funiu mountain range in southwest Henan, an eastern extension of Qinling range 秦嶺山脈|秦岭山脉[Qin2 ling3 shan1 mai4], Shaanxi
特加 fú tè jiā vodka (loanword)
特计 fú tè jì voltmeter
特計 fú tè jì voltmeter
牺 fú xī variant of 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1]
犧 fú xī variant of 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1]