
numerary adjunct for article; matter

HSK 2 #250


件 jiàn
  • item
  • component
  • classifier for events, things, clothes etc



付款条 fù kuǎn tiáo jiàn terms of payment
付款條 fù kuǎn tiáo jiàn terms of payment
數 jiàn shǔ item count (of a consignment etc)
zuò jiàn workpiece
假证 jiǎ zhèng jiàn false documents
假證 jiǎ zhèng jiàn false documents
偶然事 ǒu rán shì jiàn random accident; chance event
bèi jiàn spare parts
元器 yuán qì jiàn component
充要条 chōng yào tiáo jiàn necessary and sufficient condition
充要條 chōng yào tiáo jiàn necessary and sufficient condition
先決條 xiān jué tiáo jiàn precondition; prerequisite
光伏器 guāng fú qì jiàn photovoltaic device (e.g. solar cell)
免费软 miǎn fèi ruǎn jiàn freeware
免費軟 miǎn fèi ruǎn jiàn freeware
六四事 liù sì shì jiàn Tiananmen Incident of June 4, 1989
qián jiàn antecedent (logic)
前提条 qián tí tiáo jiàn preconditions
前提條 qián tí tiáo jiàn preconditions
勒索软 lè suǒ ruǎn jiàn ransomware (computing)
勒索軟 lè suǒ ruǎn jiàn ransomware (computing)
南京大屠杀事 nán jīng dà tú shā shì jiàn The Rape of Nanking (1997 documentary book by Iris Chang 張純如|张纯如)
南京大屠殺事 nán jīng dà tú shā shì jiàn The Rape of Nanking (1997 documentary book by Iris Chang 張純如|张纯如)
反应堆燃料元 fǎn yìng duī rán liào yuán jiàn fuel element
反應堆燃料元 fǎn yìng duī rán liào yuán jiàn fuel element