
humaneness, benevolence, kindness

HSK 6 #1360


  • humaneness, benevolence, kindness
  • humane
  • kernel


仁 stroke order diagram
仁 stroke order animation


民愛物 rén mín ài wù love to all creatures (idiom, from Mencius); universal benevolence
波切 rén bō qiè Rinpoche (Tibetan honorific)
義 rén yì benevolence and righteousness
義 rén yi affable and even-tempered
义道德 rén yì dào dé compassion, duty, propriety and integrity (idiom); all the traditional virtues; mainly used sarcastically, to mean hypocritical
義道德 rén yì dào dé compassion, duty, propriety and integrity (idiom); all the traditional virtues; mainly used sarcastically, to mean hypocritical
者见,智者见智 rén zhě jiàn rén , zhì zhě jiàn zhì The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom.; Different views are admissible. (idiom)
者見,智者見智 rén zhě jiàn rén , zhì zhě jiàn zhì The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom.; Different views are admissible. (idiom)
至義盡 rén zhì yì jìn extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulous virtue and attention to duty
术 rén shù kindness; benevolence; to govern in humanitarian way
術 rén shù kindness; benevolence; to govern in humanitarian way
言利博 rén yán lì bó Words of benevolence apply universally (idiom). Humanitarian expressions benefit all.
假义 jiǎ rén jiǎ yì hypocrisy; pretended righteousness
假義 jiǎ rén jiǎ yì hypocrisy; pretended righteousness
堂 tóng rén táng Tongrentang, Chinese pharmaceutical company (TCM)
县 tóng rén xiàn Tongren county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州[Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai
縣 tóng rén xiàn Tongren county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州[Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai
宝 wú rén bǎo Wu Renbao (1928-2013), former CCP chief of Huaxi Village 華西村|华西村[Hua2 xi1 Cun1], responsible for turning it into a modern rich community
寶 wú rén bǎo Wu Renbao (1928-2013), former CCP chief of Huaxi Village 華西村|华西村[Hua2 xi1 Cun1], responsible for turning it into a modern rich community
jiā rén Yoshihito, personal name of the Taishō 大正[Da4 zheng4] emperor of Japan (1879-1926), reigned 1912-1926
噶拉・多杰・波切 gá lā ・ duō jié ・ rén bō qiè Garab Dorje Rinpoche, succession of Buthanese religious leaders
噶拉・多傑・波切 gá lā ・ duō jié ・ rén bō qiè Garab Dorje Rinpoche, succession of Buthanese religious leaders
好学近乎知,力行近乎,知耻近乎勇 hào xué jìn hū zhī , lì xíng jìn hū rén , zhī chǐ jìn hū yǒng to love learning is akin to knowledge, to study diligently is akin to benevolence, to know shame is akin to courage (Confucius)
好學近乎知,力行近乎,知恥近乎勇 hào xué jìn hū zhī , lì xíng jìn hū rén , zhī chǐ jìn hū yǒng to love learning is akin to knowledge, to study diligently is akin to benevolence, to know shame is akin to courage (Confucius)
妇人之 fù rén zhī rén excessive tendency to clemency (idiom); soft-hearted (pejorative)