

HSK 5 #1227


  • enjoy
  • to enjoy
  • to benefit
  • to have the use of
  • old variant of 享[xiang3]


享 stroke order diagram
享 stroke order animation


庫 gòng xiǎng kù shared library (computing)
程序库 gòng xiǎng chéng xù kù shared library (computing)
程序庫 gòng xiǎng chéng xù kù shared library (computing)
计划 gòng xiǎng jì huà joint project; partnership
計劃 gòng xiǎng jì huà joint project; partnership
软体 gòng xiǎng ruǎn tǐ shareware
軟體 gòng xiǎng ruǎn tǐ shareware
shòu xiǎng to enjoy
zuò xiǎng to enjoy sth without lifting a finger
坐吃福 zuò chī xiǎng fú vegetative existence; to consume passively without doing anything useful
有福同,有祸同当 yǒu fú tóng xiǎng , yǒu huò tóng dāng To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together (idiom); for better or for worse
有福同,有禍同當 yǒu fú tóng xiǎng , yǒu huò tóng dāng To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together (idiom); for better or for worse
有福同,有难同当 yǒu fú tóng xiǎng , yǒu nàn tóng dāng To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together (idiom); for better or for worse
有福同,有難同當 yǒu fú tóng xiǎng , yǒu nàn tóng dāng To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together (idiom); for better or for worse
物质受 wù zhì xiǎng shòu material benefits
物質受 wù zhì xiǎng shòu material benefits
zòng xiǎng to enjoy; to indulge in
zòng xiǎng to enjoy; to indulge in