xuān gèng gèn

extend across, through; from



亘 gèn
  • extending all the way across
  • running all the way through


亘 stroke order diagram
亘 stroke order animation


古 gèn gǔ throughout time; from ancient times (up to the present)
古不变 gèn gǔ bù biàn unchanging since times immemorial (idiom); unalterable; unvarying; monotonous
古未有 gèn gǔ wèi yǒu unprecedented; never seen since ancient times
古通今 gèn gǔ tōng jīn from ancient times up to now; throughout history
pán gèn linked in a unbroken chain
mián gèn to stretch in an unbroken chain (esp. of mountains)
héng qí to stretch across; to span a distance or period of time
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