HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 445th character |
RADICAL | ⼄ (5.1) |
INDEX # | 15 |
九 jiǔ |

九月 jiǔ yuè | September; ninth month (of the lunar year) |
十九 shí jiǔ | nineteen; 19 |
九十 jiǔ shí | ninety |
十有八九 shí yǒu bā jiǔ | most likely; mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10); vast majority |
九州 jiǔ zhōu | division of China during earliest dynasties; fig. ancient China; Kyūshū, southernmost of Japan's four major islands |
九月份 jiǔ yuè fèn | September; ninth month |
九尾狐 jiǔ wěi hú | nine-tailed fox (mythological creature) |
九天 jiǔ tiān | the Ninth Heaven; the highest of the heavens |
十之八九 shí zhī bā jiǔ | most likely; mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10); vast majority |
十拿九稳 shí ná jiǔ wěn | to be a cinch; in the bag; (of a person) confident of success |
九霄云外 jiǔ xiāo yún wài | beyond the topmost clouds (idiom); unimaginably far away |
八九不离十 bā jiǔ bù lí shí | pretty close; very near; about right |
九死一生 jiǔ sǐ yī shēng | nine deaths and still alive (idiom); a narrow escape; new lease of life |
三教九流 sān jiào jiǔ liú | the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) and Nine Schools (Confucians, Daoists, Yin-Yang, Legalists, Logicians, Mohists, Political Strategists, Eclectics, Agriculturists); fig. people from all trades (often derog.) |
九龙 jiǔ lóng | Kowloon district of Hong Kong |
一言九鼎 yī yán jiǔ dǐng | one word worth nine sacred tripods (idiom); words of enormous weight |
九分之一 jiǔ fēn zhī yī | one ninth |
牌九 pái jiǔ | pai gow (gambling game played with dominoes) |
九泉 jiǔ quán | the nine springs; the underworld of Chinese mythology; Hades |
三九天 sān jiǔ tiān | the twenty seven days after the Winter Solstice, reputed to be the coldest days of the year |
三旬九食 sān xún jiǔ shí | lit. to have only nine meals in thirty days (idiom); fig. (of a family) on the brink of starvation; in dire straits |
三贞九烈 sān zhēn jiǔ liè | (of a widow) faithful to the death to her husband's memory |
三貞九烈 sān zhēn jiǔ liè | (of a widow) faithful to the death to her husband's memory |
三跪九叩 sān guì jiǔ kòu | to kneel three times and kowtow nine times (formal etiquette on meeting the emperor) |
下九流 xià jiǔ liú | the lowest professions |