
ride, ascend; avail oneself of; numerary adjunct for vehicles

HSK 4 #1231


乘 chéng
  • surname Cheng
  • to ride
  • to mount
  • to make use of
  • to avail oneself of
  • to take advantage of
  • to multiply (math.)
  • Buddhist sect or creed
  • old variant of 乘[cheng2]
乘 shèng
  • four horse military chariot (archaic)
  • four (archaic)
  • generic term for history books


乘 stroke order diagram
乘 stroke order animation


人不備 chéng rén bù bèi to take advantage of sb in an unguarded moment (idiom); to take sb by surprise
以 chéng yǐ (math.) multiplied with
便 chéng biàn at your convenience
幂 chéng mì the power of a number (square, cube etc); to exponentiate (math.)
冪 chéng mì the power of a number (square, cube etc); to exponentiate (math.)
務 chéng wù service (on a train, a plane etc)
務員 chéng wù yuán attendant on an airplane, train, boat etc
胜 chéng shèng to follow up a victory; to pursue retreating enemy
勝 chéng shèng to follow up a victory; to pursue retreating enemy
胜追击 chéng shèng zhuī jī to follow up a victory and press home the attack; to pursue retreating enemy
勝追擊 chéng shèng zhuī jī to follow up a victory and press home the attack; to pursue retreating enemy
势 chéng shì to seize the opportunity; to strike while the iron is hot
勢 chéng shì to seize the opportunity; to strike while the iron is hot
坚策肥 chéng jiān cè féi to live in luxury; lit. to ride a solid carriage pulled by fat horses
堅策肥 chéng jiān cè féi to live in luxury; lit. to ride a solid carriage pulled by fat horses
搭 chéng dā to ride as a passenger (in a car, boat, plane etc)
數 chéng shù multiplier
方 chéng fāng to square a number; to calculate the square
機 chéng jī to take the opportunity; to take a plane
法逆 chéng fǎ nì multiplicative inverse (math.)
涼 chéng liáng to cool off in the shade
火打劫 chéng huǒ dǎ jié to take advantage of sb's misfortune; to loot
用车 chéng yòng chē passenger vehicle
用車 chéng yòng chē passenger vehicle
積 chéng jī product (result of multiplication)