HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 458th character |
RADICAL | ⼃ (4.4) |
INDEX # | 280 |
interrogative or exclamatory final particle
乎 hū |

几乎 jī hū | almost; nearly; practically |
似乎 sì hū | apparently; to seem; to appear; as if; seemingly |
在乎 zài hu | to care about; equivalent of 在於|在于[zai4 yu2] |
不在乎 bù zài hu | not to care |
关乎 guān hū | to relate to; concerning; about |
近乎 jìn hu | close to; intimate |
出乎意料 chū hū yì liào | beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected |
傻乎乎 shǎ hū hū | feeble-minded; dim-witted |
出乎 chū hū | due to; to stem from; to go beyond (also fig. beyond reason, expectations etc); to go against (expectations) |
合乎 hé hū | to accord with; conforming to |
微乎其微 wēi hū qí wēi | a tiny bit; very little; next to nothing (idiom) |
热乎 rè hu | warm; hot; affectionate; ardent |
胖乎乎 pàng hū hū | chubby |
满不在乎 mǎn bù zài hu | not in the least concerned (idiom); reckless; couldn't give a damn about it; unperturbed; couldn't care less; harum scarum |
粘乎乎 nián hū hū | sticky; slimy |
热乎乎 rè hū hū | nice and warm |
异乎寻常 yì hū xún cháng | unusual; extraordinary |
不亦乐乎 bù yì lè hū | lit. isn't that a joy? (quote from Confucius); fig. (jocularly) extremely; awfully |
忘乎所以 wàng hū suǒ yǐ | to get carried away; to forget oneself |
玄乎 xuán hū | unreliable; incredible |
油乎乎 yóu hū hū | greasy; oily |
黑乎乎 hēi hū hū | variant of 黑糊糊[hei1 hu1 hu1] |
不外乎 bù wài hū | nothing else but |
忙乎 máng hū | to be busy (colloquial) |
出乎预料 chū hū yù liào | beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected |