crow, rook, raven; black, dark

HSK 6 #1244


  • crow, rook, raven
  • black, dark
  • abbr. for Ukraine 烏克蘭|乌克兰[Wu1 ke4 lan2]
  • surname Wu
  • crow
  • black


乌 stroke order diagram
乌 stroke order animation


贼 qiāng wū zéi squid
苏 wū sū Wusu city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang
兰巴托 wū lán bā tuō Ulaanbaatar or Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia
兹别克 wū zī bié kè Uzbek; abbr. for Uzbekistan
鸡 wū jī black-boned chicken; silky fowl; silkie; Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson
鱼 wū yú gray mullet (Mugil cephalus); snakehead fish (family Channidae)
龙 wū lóng black dragon; unexpected mistake or mishap; own goal (soccer); oolong (tea); (Tw) (loanword from Japanese) udon
龙球 wū lóng qiú own goal (ball sports)
jīn wū Golden Crow; the sun; the three-legged golden crow that lives in the sun
三足 sān zú wū three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in northeast Asian and Chinese mythology); Korean: samjog'o
三足金 sān zú jīn wū three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in northeast Asian and Chinese mythology); Korean: samjog'o
纱帽 diū wū shā mào lit. to lose one's black hat; to be sacked from an official post
何首 hé shǒu wū Chinese knotweed (Polygonum multiflorum); fleeceflower root
基希讷 jī xī nè wū Chişinău or Chisinau, capital of Moldova
大嘴鸦 dà zuǐ wū yā (bird species of China) large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos)
苏里岛 dà wū sū lǐ dǎo Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilongjiang or Amur river, at mouth of the Ussuri River opposite Khabarovsk; same as Heixiazi Island 黑瞎子島|黑瞎子岛[Hei1 xia1 zi5 Dao3]
鸦 dà wū yā a raven
天下鸦一般黑 tiān xià wū yā yī bān hēi all crows are black (idiom); evil people are bad all over the world
xún wū Xunwu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi
县 xún wū xiàn Xunwu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi
小嘴鸦 xiǎo zuǐ wū yā (bird species of China) carrion crow (Corvus corone)
bā wū bawu, a free reed wind instrument shaped like a flute and played transversally, associated particularly with minority cultures of Yunnan
帕 dé wū pà Sher Bahadur Deuba (1946-), former prime minister of Nepal
爱屋及 ài wū jí wū lit. love the house and its crow (idiom); involvement with sb and everyone connected; Love me, love my dog.
龙 gǎo wū lóng to mess sth up