
master, chief owner; host; lord

HSK 3 #87


主 zhǔ
  • owner
  • master
  • host
  • individual or party concerned
  • God
  • Lord
  • main
  • to indicate or signify
  • trump card (in card games)


主 stroke order diagram
主 stroke order animation


救世 jiù shì zhǔ the Savior (in Christianity)
教 tiān zhǔ jiào Catholicism
党 mín zhǔ dǎng Democratic Party
宰 zhǔ zǎi to dominate; to rule; to dictate; master
gù zhǔ employer
种族义 zhǒng zú zhǔ yì racism
lǐng zhǔ feudal lord; suzerain; overlord
教徒 tiān zhǔ jiào tú Catholic; follower of Catholicism
编 zhǔ biān editor in chief
dé zhǔ recipient (of an award); winner (in a competition)
diàn zhǔ shop owner
机 zhǔ jī main engine; (military) lead aircraft; (computing) host computer; main processor; server
公 zhǔ gōng Your Highness; Your Majesty
人 nǚ zhǔ rén hostess; mistress
共产义 gòng chǎn zhǔ yì communism
使 zhǔ shǐ to mastermind; to orchestrate; to instigate; mastermind; instigator
jūn zhǔ monarch; sovereign
chē zhǔ vehicle owner
恐怖义 kǒng bù zhǔ yì terrorism
人公 zhǔ rén gōng hero (of a novel or film); main protagonist
zhēn zhǔ Allah
mǎi zhǔ customer
tiān zhǔ God (in Catholicism); abbr. for 天主教[Tian1 zhu3 jiao4], Catholicism
人道义 rén dào zhǔ yì humanism; humanitarian (aid)
yè zhǔ owner; proprietor