
central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain


中 zhōng
  • China
  • Chinese
  • surname Zhong
  • within
  • among
  • in
  • middle
  • center
  • while (doing sth)
  • during
  • (dialect) OK
  • all right
中 zhòng
  • to hit (the mark)
  • to be hit by
  • to suffer
  • to win (a prize, a lottery)



央汇金 zhōng yāng huì jīn central finance; Chinese monetary fund
央匯金 zhōng yāng huì jīn central finance; Chinese monetary fund
央执行委员会 zhōng yāng zhí xíng wěi yuán huì Central Executive Committee
央執行委員會 zhōng yāng zhí xíng wěi yuán huì Central Executive Committee
央委員會 zhōng yāng wěi yuán huì Central Committee
央宣传部 zhōng yāng xuān chuán bù Central Propaganda Department (abbr. for 中國共產黨中央委員會宣傳部|中国共产党中央委员会宣传部[Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 dang3 Zhong1 yang1 Wei3 yuan2 hui4 Xuan1 chuan2 bu4])
央宣傳部 zhōng yāng xuān chuán bù Central Propaganda Department (abbr. for 中國共產黨中央委員會宣傳部|中国共产党中央委员会宣传部[Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 dang3 Zhong1 yang1 Wei3 yuan2 hui4 Xuan1 chuan2 bu4])
央专制集权 zhōng yāng zhuān zhì jí quán centralized autocratic rule
央專制集權 zhōng yāng zhuān zhì jí quán centralized autocratic rule
央广播电台 zhōng yāng guǎng bō diàn tái Radio Taiwan International (RTI)
央廣播電臺 zhōng yāng guǎng bō diàn tái Radio Taiwan International (RTI)
央情报局 zhōng yāng qíng bào jú US Central Intelligence Agency, CIA
央情報局 zhōng yāng qíng bào jú US Central Intelligence Agency, CIA
央戏剧学院 zhōng yāng xì jù xué yuàn Central Academy of Drama
央戲劇學院 zhōng yāng xì jù xué yuàn Central Academy of Drama
央政府 zhōng yāng zhèng fǔ central government
央日报 zhōng yāng rì bào Central Daily News
央日報 zhōng yāng rì bào Central Daily News
央民族大学 zhōng yāng mín zú dà xué Central University for Nationalities
央民族大學 zhōng yāng mín zú dà xué Central University for Nationalities
央海岭 zhōng yāng hǎi lǐng mid-ocean ridge (geology)
央海嶺 zhōng yāng hǎi lǐng mid-ocean ridge (geology)
央直辖市 zhōng yāng zhí xiá shì municipality, namely: Beijing 北京, Tianjin 天津, Shanghai 上海 and Chongqing 重慶|重庆, the first level administrative subdivision; province level city; also called directly governed city
央直轄市 zhōng yāng zhí xiá shì municipality, namely: Beijing 北京, Tianjin 天津, Shanghai 上海 and Chongqing 重慶|重庆, the first level administrative subdivision; province level city; also called directly governed city
央省 zhōng yāng shěng central province; Töv Aimag (province) of Mongolia