silk; fine thread; wire; strings

HSK 5 #1026


  • silk
  • fine thread
  • wire
  • strings
  • silk
  • thread
  • trace
  • (cuisine) shreds or julienne strips
  • CL:條|条[tiao2]
  • classifier: a thread (of cloud, smoke etc), a bit, an iota, a hint (of sth) etc


丝 stroke order diagram
丝 stroke order animation


zhēn sī silk; pure silk
合缝 yán sī hé fèng to fit tightly (idiom); to join seamlessly; to fit snugly
爱莉 ài lì sī Iris (name)
xuè sī wisps of blood; visible veins; (of eyes) bloodshot
chōu sī to spin silk
网 sī wǎng silk screen; screen (printing)
qīng sī fine black hair; dried plum (sliced, as cake ingredient)
tǔ sī (of spiders, caterpillars, silkworms etc) to extrude silk
dēng sī filament (in a lightbulb)
cán sī natural silk (secreted by silkworm)
燕 jīn sī yàn Aerodramus, genus of birds that use echolocation, a subset of the Collocaliini tribe (swiflets), two of whose species – Aerodramus fuciphagus and Aerodramus maximus – build nests harvested to make bird's nest soup
绳 gāng sī shéng hawser; steel rope
mó sī hair mousse (loanword)
帽 luó sī mào nut (female component of nut and bolt)
tóng sī copper wire
人造 rén zào sī rayon
竹 sī zhú traditional Chinese musical instruments; music
绸之路 sī chóu zhī lù the Silk Road
jūn sī mycelium; hypha
锯 gāng sī jù jigsaw (saw with steel wire blade)
不挂 yī sī bù guà not wearing one thread (idiom); absolutely naked; without a stitch of clothing; in one's birthday suit
干煸土豆 gān biān tǔ dòu sī dry-fried potato slices (Chinese dish)
钳子 kè sī qián zi wire cutting pincers
lěng sī sī a bit chilly
切成 qiē chéng sī to grate; to shred (vegetable)