
general term for a group of small birds


  • general term for a group of small birds
  • nuthatch (bird of genus Sitta)


jù shī (bird species of China) giant nuthatch (Sitta magna)
普通 pǔ tōng shī (bird species of China) Eurasian nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
栗腹 lì fù shī (bird species of China) chestnut-bellied nuthatch (Sitta cinnamoventris)
栗臀 lì tún shī (bird species of China) chestnut-vented nuthatch (Sitta nagaensis)
淡紫 dàn zǐ shī (bird species of China) yellow-billed nuthatch (Sitta solangiae)
diān shī (bird species of China) Yunnan nuthatch (Sitta yunnanensis)
白尾 bái wěi shī (bird species of China) white-tailed nuthatch (Sitta himalayensis)
白脸 bái liǎn shī (bird species of China) Przevalski's nuthatch (Sitta przewalskii)
绒额 róng é shī (bird species of China) velvet-fronted nuthatch (Sitta frontalis)
lì shī (bird species of China) beautiful nuthatch (Sitta formosa)
黑头 hēi tóu shī (bird species of China) Chinese nuthatch (Sitta villosa)
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