
root, origin, source; basis

HSK 1 #92


本 běn
  • root
  • stem
  • origin
  • source
  • this
  • the current
  • original
  • inherent
  • originally
  • classifier for books, periodicals, files etc


本 stroke order diagram
本 stroke order animation


杰明 běn jié míng Benjamin (person name)
fù běn copy; duplicate; transcript; (in online games) instance
色 běn sè inherent qualities; natural qualities; distinctive character; true qualities
色 běn shǎi natural color
土 běn tǔ one's native country; native; local; metropolitan territory
zhàng běn account book
子 běn zi book; notebook; edition; CL:本[ben3]
市 běn shì this city; our city
shū běn book; CL:本[ben3]
月 běn yuè this month; the current month
记事 jì shì běn notebook; paper notepad; laptop computer
主义 zī běn zhǔ yì capitalism
部 běn bù headquarters; head office
营 dà běn yíng headquarters; base camp
墨尔 mò ěr běn Melbourne, Australia
kè běn textbook; CL:本[ben3]
州 běn zhōu Honshū, the main island of Japan
国 běn guó one's own country
分 běn fèn (to play) one's part; one's role; one's duty; (to stay within) one's bounds; dutiful; keeping to one's role
wén běn version; text
行 běn háng one's line; one's own profession
日记 rì jì běn diary (book)
田 běn tián Honda (Japanese name)
家 zī běn jiā capitalist
正经 yī běn zhèng jīng in deadly earnest; deadpan